Health is one of the most important concerns of every individual. When you have a family, your primary concern is that they should be healthy and happy. And to stay healthy you must choose healthy living and is most important. Choosing the right primary care physician is also very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is quite relieving to find that there are many ways to find the best doctor nowadays. This has become possible due to the increasing number of people who have chosen to take health insurance. While taking insurance, remaining in touch with a doctor is important and this physician seems to be one of their own. Gathering proper information about doctors might seem to be quite easy, but it is actually not. There are reviews on many trusted sites, but finding a doctor is not the same as finding a plumber or electrician.
Find Best Doctors In Your Area – Ways To Find Best Doctor
You have to begin your search from your known circles only. To find best doctor in your area, start by asking your known people – ask a doctor, nurse or some known healthcare professional. Ask for recommendations and names of doctors in your nearby area who can be trusted and who are good enough. Since these people are in the same profession, their recommendations are more genuine than those obtained from your friends and family. It is also important to consider the kind of doctor you are looking for. Are you looking for a doctor for your whole family or for your kids or for the elderly members in your family? If you want to find the best doctor in your area, you must take the following things into strict consideration;
1. Consider Affiliating With Hospital
It might happen that during some severe illness, you might need to be admitted to a hospital. When you choose the best doctor, you can get proper care and the right treatment and can also get the information of affiliated hospitals where you can compare the rates of these hospitals to other hospitals and then take a decision on whether to choose this doctor and his affiliated hospital or not.
2. Considering Compatibility Is Important
Relationship and personality are two very important things that people take into consideration when it comes to choosing the best doctors. This has been established in a survey that has been conducted on patients and doctors alike. The doctor should listen to the patient carefully and patiently. He/she should be able to answer all the queries of the patients. Not only this, but the doctor should also be able to explain the diagnosis and the treatment procedure that is being followed or is being planned so that the patient knows exactly what is happening.
3. Board Certifications Are Mandatory
One of the ways to find the best doctor is to look for board certifications from a specific country. Each country has its independent and individual medical board, which offers the medical degree to the doctor along with proper certification. Check whether the doctor has the proper certifications and accreditations; whether he has undergone the medical training and other necessary courses and so on. A good doctor will not stop with the certification only. He will keep on studying and gaining knowledge on the latest developments in the medical field. This will help in implementing newly learned things in medical science.
4. Know About Medical Representatives And Their Connection With The Doctor
This is among smart ways to find the best doctor. Whether you are looking for the best doctors in India or in other parts of the world, see how the doctor interacts with medical representatives. While some doctors welcome representatives so that they can pitch for their branded medicines; some doctors refrain from this practice all together. Representatives often take up a lot of time of the doctor and the patients and also try to influence the drug choice of the doctor. The best doctors in India or abroad will not have much connection with representatives. They will prescribe drugs, which they find best without any kind of special recommendations.
5. Check Out For Red Flags For The Doctor
If you find any kind of red flag raised for the doctor, refrain from considering him/her at all. The red flags can be raised for many reasons, including disciplinary actions and malpractice claims. It is not easy to ask the best doctor regarding the red flags. It might happen that when you ask the best doctor, he will tell you the right things as to how he got sued once or twice. But it is not recommended to choose a doctor who has many complains and malpractices to his name. Substance abuse and inappropriate sexual behavior are the two most common reasons for which doctors are shown red flags and both these are serious offenses for sure. However, in many cases, it remains a mystery as to why the doctor was shown a red flag.
6. Check The Insurance
In the various ways to find best doctor, try taking help from the insurer’s directory. If that is not available readily, reach to the website of the insurance company and search for the doctors who are available on their network. However, there is a risk factor here. Doctors keep on adding and dropping from these lists. It is best to call the insurance office and verify whether the doctor you want to be associated to is still attached to the insurance company and will accept the insurance. If you find that the doctor has dropped, it is recommended to find another suitable doctor.
6. Check How Tech-Savvy The Doctor Is
This is an important factor in today’s world when you look for ways to find the best doctor. Nowadays, doctors have to be tech-savvy so that they can track the patient’s medical history and check their medications, etc online. They should also be able to communicate with the patient via various online mediums for easy accessibility and can also get the second opinion from the doctor online.
Now that you know ways to find the best doctor online, get the best one for your family’s good health.
[cl-review quote=”Medically Reviewed By” author=”Dr. Kaushal M. Bhavsar (MBBS, MD)” occupation=”Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Ahmedabad” avatar_image=”1325″ source=”|target:_blank”]
2 Replies to Some Excellent Ways to Find Best Doctor
This article is very informative and helpful. I learned a lot – excellent!
Nice information’s. Thanks for sharing useful info.
My sister has been thinking about finding a new family doctor because she just moved, and wants to be better. She would really like to get some help from a professional in order to be more effective. I liked what you said about how they shouldn’t have a history of substance abuse, inappropriate sexual behaviors, complaints, and malpractices.
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