The eye is one of the most important special senses of our body. Any kind of irritation or itching in the eye can be extremely troublesome because it disturbs the vision unless it is taken care of.
Itching of the eye is one of the most commonly presented problems at the ophthalmologist. The eye, as we certainly know, is an extremely sensitive organ. A person having itching in the eye would immediately rush to their clinician for the fear of having some major vision problems. No matter how minor it may be, an itchy eye cannot be overlooked. More than just troublesome, an itchy eye can make a person all the more anxious too.
Itching of the eye in the corner is not a disease but a symptom could indicate a disease that has affected your eye. Commonly, any itchy eye is also associated with redness and watering of eyes.
Some Common Pointers to be Kept in Mind While Evaluating your Problem of Itchy Eye are;
- Is there a foreign body sensation in the eye?
- When did the itching start? Do the eyes itch occasionally or continuously?
- Do you have the burning of eyes?
- Do your eyes water too much?
- Do you have itching and infection of the skin around the eyes or any history of dermatitis?
- Is there redness and swelling of the eye or at corners of the eye?
- Do you wear contact lenses frequently?
- Did you change, use of or has there been an exposure to soap, dust, fumes or chemicals?
- Is there any history of using eye drops or taking medications for any other illness?
- Are there any other triggers that you may identify?
Eye Itching In The Corner Causes
A list of eye conditions below will help you to understand why your eye is itching in the corner. Additionally, a complete history along with an examination of the eye is necessary to differentiate among all the conditions given below. And seeking a best online doctor consultation is always advised to avoid further risks and complications.
1. Allergic Conjunctivitis
There is itching of eyes associated with redness and discharge from the eye. There may also be swelling of the affected eye. Allergic conjunctivitis may be acute or chronic in some patients. It may occur regularly in patients with eczema or atopic dermatitis. In chronic cases, the allergen needs to be identified and treated accordingly.
Signs And Symptoms Include
- Redness, swelling and soreness of the eye especially conjunctiva.
- Itching of the eye
- Mucoid or pus like discharge from the eye.
- Increased watering of the affected eye.
2. Mechanical Abnormalities
Entropion is the inward turning of the eyelid, ectropion is outward turning of the eyelid. These abnormalities can constantly irritate the eye and be causing excess watering also. Patients tend to rub the eye too much. Dry and windy conditions can worsen the condition and cause redness and inflammation of the eye.
3. Blepharitis
This is the most common cause for itching of eyes in the corners. Blepharitis can be anterior and posterior. In posterior blepharitis, the meibomian glands (exocrine glands which are present at the rim of eyelids) do not function properly, because of which they produce an oily, wax-like discharge. This condition may occur by itself or may be present as a result of other skin conditions like acne or eczema.
In more severe cases, there may be a pus-like discharge from these glands or the glands may even become blocked. Long-term complications are thickening or scarring of the lid and a poor condition of the cornea and tear film of the eye.
Causes For Anterior Blepharitis
● Staphylococcal Blepharitis – In this type, there is chronic inflammation of the base of eyelashes. Long-term complications include loss of eyelashes and misdirection of eyelashes, hard crusts may form on lids which leave an ulcer behind when peeled off.
● Seborrhoeic Anterior Blepharitis – The eye lashes have a waxy appearance and tend to stick together. A dandruff like scaling can be seen along the lids.
Signs And Symptoms Of Blepharitis
- Redness and inflammation of the affected eye
- This condition usually affects both eyelids
- Burning or gritty sensation of affected eye
- Itching at corners of the eyes and along the lids
- Increased sensitivity to light
- Crusty and greasy eye lids
- Sticky discharge from eyes
- Clumping and misdirected growth of eye lashes
4. Atopic Dermatitis
Plenty of environmental and food allergens can cause itching of particular parts of the body or generally. These allergens must be recognized if possible and treated immediately.
5. Dry Eye Syndrome
Meibomian glands which line our eyelids are responsible for creating and maintaining the tear film and keeping the eye moist. Other terms used for this syndrome is keratitis sicca dryness and inflammation of the cornea, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, dryness affecting both cornea and conjunctiva.
Signs And Symptoms
- Burning, dryness and itching of the eyes or itching of the corner of the eyes
- Redness and soreness of affected eye
- The heavy and fatigued sensation of eyes and
- Photophobia and blurred vision
- There may also be a foreign body sensation in the eye
6. Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis
This condition is a chronic, allergic reaction of the eyes. It has two variants – Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis and Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis.
Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis
It is an allergic condition which affects the outer surface of the eye. This condition usually affects young males and occurs in both eyes at the same time, but may also be unilateral. This condition affects upper lip more commonly. It can be seasonal as well as chronic.
Signs And Symptoms
- Extreme itching of the eye
- Foreign-body sensation in the eye
- Blurred vision
- Thick, ropy mucous discharge from the eye especially in morning.
Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis
Although it is a rare, genetic disorder, it can lead to blindness of the affected eye. It affects individuals in their early adulthood or late adolescence. It affects men more commonly than females. This condition affects lower lid more commonly. A history of atopic asthma, eczema or a family history will support this diagnosis.
Signs And Symptoms
- Redness and soreness of eyes
- Itching at the corners of the eye or the whole eye.
- Burning sensation in the eye affected.
- Watering of eyes
- Increased sensitivity of eyes towards the light
Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis
The two variants mentioned above are types of primary giant papillary conjunctivitis. Secondary causes of giant papillary conjunctivitis are the use of contact lenses, exposed sutures and eye prosthesis. Secondary form too is an allergic reaction towards the above mentioned objects. This type occurs due to trauma to the conjunctiva.
Signs and Symptoms For Secondary Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis
- Redness and swelling of eyelids
- Itching of eyes
- Giant papillae of the conjunctiva are not as big as the one seen in primary type
It is quite evident from the list of conditions above that even a minor condition of the eye cannot be neglected. Even a minor injury or infection of the eye can have a severe long-term deteriorating effect upon the eyes and subsequently upon vision.
Due to this reason, you need to be extremely careful and protective about the eyes and any of the above symptoms should seek medical advice and appropriate treatment immediately.
Dr. Himanshi is a Homoeopathic consultant and currently working as a lecturer in Post-graduate faculty of Homeopathy, Parul University, Vadodara. Completed BHMS and MD in Homeopathy in January 2018 and also has a clinical experience of about 6 years. Personal interests include reading, spending time with family and traveling.
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