One morning, you stand in front of a mirror and find your Tongue Peeling off. In these cases, you will notice that the skin on your tongue is coming off or tearing. No doubt, it will cause a lot of irritation in your mouth. The first mistake to avoid is to wash your mouth or brush the teeth. The peeling of tongue takes place due to a number of causes. Brushing your teeth will remove the evidence. When you seek help from the doctor, it will be necessary to examine the color and nature of the tongue. Well, in order to prevent tongue peeling in the future, you should be aware of the reasons leading to this condition. Here are five tongue peeling causes, you should know.
STD’s Leading To Tongue Peeling
One of the key factors leading to tongue peeling is a sexually transmitted disease. People having oral sex are more prone to infection in the mouth. It is necessary to get a new partner tested before involving in sexual activities. In case you have these irritations in your mouth, you need to approach the doctors to get a remedy. If you want to know how to stop tongue peeling, have a word with the experts. You can also consult the best online doctor for proper medication.
Tongue Peeling Caused By Spicy Food
Certain foods like vinegar chips and those containing salt may lead to peeling of the tongue. Processed foods may also lead to tongue peeling, as the chemicals and storing ingredients used in them may not be suitable for your mouth. The tongue is sensitive enough to develop disorders when it comes in contact with harsh materials.
Bumps On The Tongue
Tongue peeling may be accompanied by certain patches, that look like geographic features. These are pinkish-white in color. These bumps are small projections of papillae on the tongue and are generally painless. You should consult a doctor to get rid of these tongue peeling bumps. The patches may heal at a certain place and move on to another. The tongue gets a geographic appearance when these projections come upon its surface. The borders of the projections are slightly raised. Although these do not cause any serious disorder, the sensitivity of the tongue to certain substances may increase at times.
People suffering from anemia may experience tongue peeling. The skin of the tongue turns white or pale and starts peeling off. This is caused due to the low count of red blood cells in the body. The amount of oxygen in the body also decreases. These lead to a condition where the skin on the tongue loses the normal color and starts coming off. However, a peeling tongue may also be a symptom of disorders in the circulatory or digestive systems. Low functioning of the thyroid also leads to tongue peeling. You can also ask a doctor online about the exact reasons leading to the problem, detailing out all the symptoms.
Excess Amount Of Acid In The Body
The acid content in the body increases at times, resulting in the skin of the tongue to peel off. In these conditions, the doctors prescribe necessary measures to keep the acid content in the body within safe limits. In these cases, the tongue becomes red and the skin keeps peeling off. The color of the tongue will keep on becoming redder with the increasing severity of the problem.
Symptoms For Cardiac Issues
You may note that the tongue becomes reddened at the sides and the skin comes peeling off. This may be an indicator of cardiac issues. However, other complications in the body, like disorders in the gallbladder or liver may lead to these problems. However, you may note that the center of the tongue has become red. This indicates problems in the stomach. The sides of the tongue may also become sore due to breathing through the mouth. It leads the mouth to dry up and as a result, the skin peels off.
Evidently, a number of reasons cause tongue peeling and it is necessary to know the exact cause to prescribe the right treatment. It is wise to get a second opinion from the best doctors to verify if you are getting the right treatment or not and are there any changes to be done to get rid of the issue and can even know the alternative treatment for a faster cure. It is necessary to get multiple opinions while you seek treatment. The experts will provide you with the necessary advice when you approach them.
[cl-review quote=”Medically Reviewed By” author=”Dr. Kaushal M. Bhavsar (MBBS, MD)” occupation=”Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Ahmedabad” avatar_image=”1325″ source=”|target:_blank”]
2 Replies to Why Is My Tongue Peeling?
my tongue is peeling and white stuff is going everywhere.. what to do?
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