UTI in Males - Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

UTI in Males – Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are common in both males and females, but the symptoms and causes can be different for each gender. UTIs in males can range from mild to severe and can lead to serious complications if left untreated. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for UTIs in males.

Symptoms of UTIs in Males

The symptoms of UTIs in males can be subtle and can easily be mistaken for other conditions. The most common symptoms of UTIs in males include:

  • A strong, persistent urge to urinate
  • A burning sensation when urinating
  • Passing frequent, small amounts of urine
  • Cloudy or strong-smelling urine
  • Blood in the urine (hematuria)
  • Pain in the lower abdomen or back
  • Fatigue
  • Chills and fever (in severe cases)

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. UTIs can become more severe if left untreated and can lead to kidney infections, which can be life-threatening.

Causes of UTIs in Males

UTIs are caused by bacteria that enter the urinary tract and multiply. The most common cause of UTIs in males is bacteria from the rectum, such as Escherichia coli (E. coli), that enters the urethra and travels to the bladder. Other factors that can increase the risk of UTIs in males include:

  • An enlarged prostate gland that blocks the flow of urine
  • An impaired immune system
  • Blockages in the urinary tract, such as kidney stones or tumors
  • A history of UTIs
  • Catheterization for medical procedures
  • Sexual activity
  • Not properly wiping after using the restroom
  • Treatment of UTIs in Males

UTIs in males can be treated with antibiotics. The type of antibiotics used will depend on the severity of the infection and the type of bacteria causing the infection. Common antibiotics used to treat UTIs include:

  • Amoxicillin
  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Nitrofurantoin
  • Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim, Septra)

It is important to take the antibiotics as directed and to finish the entire course of antibiotics, even if the symptoms go away before the medication is finished. Stopping the antibiotics early can allow the bacteria to multiply and lead to a more severe infection.

In addition to antibiotics, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of UTIs in males, including:

  • Drinking plenty of water to help flush bacteria from the urinary tract
  • Wiping from front to back after using the restroom to prevent bacteria from the anus from entering the urethra
  • Urinating after sexual activity to help flush bacteria from the urinary tract
  • Avoiding irritating hygiene products, such as powders and deodorants, in the genital area
  • Wearing loose-fitting clothing and underwear to reduce friction and irritation

UTIs in males can range from mild to severe and can lead to serious complications if left untreated. The symptoms of UTIs in males can be subtle and easily mistaken for other conditions, but it is important to seek medical attention if you experience any of the symptoms listed above. With proper treatment and lifestyle modifications, UTIs in males can be effectively managed and prevented. If you have concerns about your symptoms or risk of UTIs, talk to your doctor, who can provide a personalized treatment plan and help you maintain good urinary health.