Dementia is not one particular disease. There are wide varieties of conditions and symptoms that are associated to dementia. Basically the main thing with dementia is memory loss and loss of cognitive skills. If you are not very sure of the thing, you can ask a neurologist about the problem and the related symptoms and know about it in detail. These problems can get so severe that they can hamper with normal functioning of individuals and make leading normal lives difficult. The person might not be able to carry out daily activities as well. Among different kinds of dementia, Alzheimer’s is the most common one, followed by vascular dementia, which is usually caused after a stroke. Vitamin deficiencies and thyroid problems might also be a cause for dementia in individuals.
Questions to Ask a Neurologist About Dementia
Since dementia is an expansive term, people are often confused regarding the same. You can consult the best neurology doctors and ask them in detail about dementia. Here are some questions to ask a neurologist about dementia so that along with knowing about the problem, you can learn about steps to handle a patient suffering from such a problem.
1. What are the different kinds of dementia from which a patient can suffer and what are the reasons behind the same?
2. How is dementia diagnosed and how can the extent of its progress be understood?
3. In case someone close to me has been diagnosed with dementia, what are the conditions and changes I should anticipate in him/her?
4. There are any kinds of medications that can be suggested for dementia for reducing the impact of the symptoms?
5. Apart from medications, are there any alternative treatment options available which could help in patients with dementia?
6. Do I or my siblings have the risk of inheriting this disease if my parents have been diagnosed with dementia?
7. Is keeping dementia patients at home a safe option?
8. How high are chances that the dementia patient will be able to work, manage his/her finances, cook and carry out normal works and activities?
[Also Read: Conditions To Take Neurology Second Opinion]
Seeking Online Medical Second Opinion
A neurologist is the best person to diagnose the problem of dementia in individuals. Even after you ask a neurologist online about dementia and its related risks and various other aspects, you might still have many unanswered questions in your mind. There might be doubts regarding things to which you might not get proper answers. In such a situation, the best thing to do is to seek online medical second opinion. Look out for a good neurologist online from the various portals where the best of doctors from various fields are available for consultation. You can book an appointment with the doctor and send him all the reports and investigation test results and ask for a consultation or second opinion. You can also clear all your doubts.
It has been seen in many cases that initially the treatment that was being done for dementia was not proper. After the second opinion was taken, the patient received the right kind of treatment for the problem. It might be expensive, true, but taking second opinion for complicated cases is always a good option. Best neurology doctors are available in the various online portals, which offer consultation services to patients.
Special Care for Dementia Patients
Ask a doctor online or specifically ask a neurologist and all of them will opine that the best medication for a dementia patient is none other than care and attention of people. Usually patients suffering from dementia forget things and gradually are unable to carry out the basic activities of life, creating complete mess and chaos often. Instead of getting irritated and angry at them, it is recommended to handle such patients with care and love. This has healing power. Getting irritated and frustrated with them will make them feel helpless and unwanted and they might get into serious depression, which becomes difficult to handle after some time. Therefore human touch is the best medication recommended to treat such neurological disorders like dementia including Alzheimer’s.
Ask a neurologist and he will be able to guide you best as how you can take care of the patient suffering from dementia well.
[cl-review quote=”Medically Reviewed By” author=”Dr. Kaushal M. Bhavsar (MBBS, MD)” occupation=”Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Ahmedabad” avatar_image=”1325″ source=”|target:_blank”]
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