Urologists should definitely consult for infertility especially male factors of infertility. In 30-40% of cases of infertility, malefactors are the cause. Low sperm count, dysmorphic sperms, immobile or sluggish motile sperms, presence of pus cells or blood in semen, etc can cause infertility.
Common diseases are undescended testes, prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy, Epididymitis, orchitis, epi-didymo orchitis, blockage in spermatic cord, etc are diseases causing male infertility.
Fertility problems can prove to be the cause of major hassles for millions of couples across the world. Even if you are seeking treatment for the issue, it is actually helpful if you seek the second opinion from a qualified and eminent fertility specialist. Fertility related disorders in women can be quite complex and sometimes a woman may be wrongly suspected to be infertile. To ensure your fertility-related problems get diagnosed in the best way, you can always ask a urologist online.
Thankfully, now you can avail of our web-based clinical second opinion service. You can contact top and expert fertility specialists while retaining your privacy. To identify the issue and get the right medical care it is always advised to choose the best doctors online where you can just get follow-ups from the doctors 24/7 no matter where you stay and this will help you seek proper treatment for fertility issues.
Ask A Urologist Online
When you are afflicted with fertility issues and cannot conceive, it is natural for you to feel stressed and several queries may be there in your mind. You may not be in a position to comprehend complex medical jargon related to fertility and so you need detailed yet simple information. You need to know about the causes and solutions for the fertility problem. This is where our service rocks! Our fertility experts and doctors can resolve your queries without hassles and you will get authentic clinical information on your situation and prospects.
Fertility related problems can leave you stressed and confused and you should learn the facts well. Now, you may obtain medical guidance as well as information on fertility issues from our urology second opinion doctors.
Benefits Of Asking A Fertility Specialist Online
1. Expert Clinical Advice from Home
By seeking the opinion of a fertility specialist online, you can access clinical advice and proper information on nuances of fertility, from the comfort of your home. There is no need to go to any clinic.
2. Privacy Maintained
Seeking a clinical second opinion from top fertility experts is hassle-free. You can maintain privacy when contacting our fertility experts online.
3. Light on Wallet
All you need to pay is the consultation fees. You need not pay any cost required for traveling to a clinic or healthcare facility.
Questions To Ask A Urologist About Fertility
A. Treatment Options
- What kind of treatment options is suitable for my fertility issues?
- Why do you suggest this method over the other options?
- Do I need alternative or assistive therapies to conceive?
- Do I need to change any existing medication or start a new set of drugs?
- Do I need to go for IVF?
- Is there any side effect of the entrapment method you suggest?
B. Diet and Lifestyle
- Do I need to make any changes to the diet to enhance the chance of pregnancy?
- Do I need to abstain from specific food and beverages to boost pregnancy prospects?
- Do I need to make any lifestyle change to enhance fertility prospects?
- Is smoking or alcohol playing a role behind my fertility issues?
- Is it better to resort to ICSI methods for implanting sperm into the egg?
- Is it better to have a reduced oxygen environment for facilitating embryo culture growth?
- What is better for successful implantation – fresh transfers or frozen embryo transfers?
- How many IVF Cycles do you think I will require?
- For how long do I need to undergo this treatment?
D. Medication
- Why do you suggest a new set of medication for my fertility issues?
- Can the medication you have prescribed interfere with any other medication I use?
- For how long and at what frequency shall I take the medications?
Where It All Leads To?
So, it is advised to seek an Online medical second opinion where you can resort to our online fertility consultation service anytime and you can ask a urologist online and resolve the queries without issues. Besides, you will not have to wait long for the answers and there is no risk of confidentiality either.
[cl-review quote=”Medically Reviewed By” author=”Dr. Kaushal M. Bhavsar (MBBS, MD)” occupation=”Assistant Professor in Pulmonary Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Ahmedabad” avatar_image=”1325″ source=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fdr-kaushal-bhavsar-a8137355%2F|target:_blank”]
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