Having sex feels like you are on a cloud nine. You always think that sex is like a drug that takes away the pain and can give you extreme happiness. But, sex can also bring diseases that will seriously put your life in danger. STDs are sexually transmitted diseases. There are various types of STDs that you can acquire through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. And acquiring such disease is life-threatening and requires serious management and treatment. That is the reason why you need to know what kind of doctor to see for STD testing.
What Kind Of Doctor To See For STD Testing?
Once you are sexually active, it is advised that you have to see a physician annually to ensure the healthy condition of your body systems- most especially your reproductive organs. But not everyone has the guts to see a doctor because of the awkward feeling or being reluctant discussing intimate concerns. You might also be embarrassed to get checked for STD.
But how will you know if you have it? According to Healthline, it’s possible to get an STD without developing symptoms. You are not allowed to undergo tests for STDs without permission from a licensed physician. You must meet the physician online, discuss your symptoms or concerns, and ask the doctor for STD testing.
Whenever you get sick and see a doctor, the main tests physicians usually order are blood and urine tests, bacterial cultures, and smears. The test varies depending on the type of STD symptoms that manifest and your medical and sexual history. If you want to get tested for STD, you can see a gynecologist, a urologist, or your primary care physician.
You can always go directly to your primary care physician as they already know your medical history and can manage procedures or request primary tests such as blood, urine, and smear tests. They can always refer you to specialists such as a Gynecologist and Urologist if needed.
If you are a woman, you can see a Gynecologist. A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in women’s reproductive health. Seeing a gynecologist will provide you in-depth knowledge about your reproductive system and how to care for it. They can thoroughly explain the diseases that we might get from being sexually active and can distinguish the following tests to perform.
If you are a man, you should consult a urologist. According to Medical News Today, a urologist is a physician who specializes in diseases of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system. They are best in managing, testing, and treating conditions that you might have related to your reproductive tract.
How To Ask A Doctor For STD Test?
It is unusual to ask the doctor to test yourself of STD. But if you are hesitant that you might have it because you have been in contact with someone who has it, or maybe you have unprotected sex, or have a new partner, then you must act immediately. You need to know who to go first. You can look up for the best physician online that can understand your symptoms, help with management, and provide treatment options for your condition.
If you are seeing your primary care physician, gynecologist, or urologist, do not be afraid or embarrassed to confer your concerns. Doctors are trained not to judge but to address the issues you are currently facing. Be open and discuss your sexual activities, medical history, and manifestations. If the physician knew that you are at risk and possibly have STD, he could perform various tests to diagnose the type of STD you might have specifically. Communication is important and can promote successful management and treatment of the disease.
Whether you see your primary care physician or a specialist, be mindful to look for the best doctor that you can comfortably discuss your concerns and at the same time can provide you with the right tests, treatments, and help you achieve maximum health.
Sex is a usual and intimate way of bonding by partners. But you must be fully aware of the risks and possible diseases you might acquire through it. Get tested to know if you have it. If you do, be willing to undergo tests and treatment for your health sake.
Doctor, author and fitness enthusiast, Ahmed Zayed, MD, is a surgery resident with a passion for helping people live a happy healthy life. He is the author of numerous health-related books and contributor to several medicine, health and wellbeing.
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